Tuesday, 15 May 2012

These few days

*** caution of 各种碎碎念 ***

Went to eat 鸡窝包with Daniel & Kevin on Friday night, got lost for 1 hour or so, enjoyed the night view of KL city (as well as the rare opportunity of riding back-seat!), then finally tasted the famous Ji Wo Bao. I agree with MinRong, the other dim sun are only so-so nia. But the Ji Wo Bao is really quite nice, and surprisingly very very fulfilling.

Crashed in Leena's room for the night, as MonLin sleeps early and GraceLing is rushing thesis. TQ so much to Leena, who is actually also rushing her thesis. Bought her a Ji Wo Bao as token of appreciation. Hahaha~

Fell sick on the same day ( 2 times in 3 months, what's wrong with me? ) . At first it was just a sudden dizzy feeling at school, and then I felt half-deaf (like something blocking my ear drum). Then at Fri midnight, it got worse (After Ji Wo Bao, ironically, LOL). Blocked nose, sore throat. Told Lanyin Chuandao at MYF gathering. The next day, got smth from her. It's tea bags! TQ so so much. She told me to drink this, which should be boiled in a big teapot with hot water. Yesterday night I tried it (together with Panadol Actifast for my headaches). Slept from 9-11p.m. Woke up because of recurring headaches. Then slept again at 4a.m. - 11a.m. Felt so so much better. Now drinking it again. And then couldn't sleep. LOL. Why hoh? 何人可凉茶~ I think I should go n buy more.

*** Caution of Relationship 碎碎念***

On Friday afternn, chatted wif a long-time-no-see friend on FB. Then she asked me got boyfriend oledi or not. I said no. Then she gave me a "= =" face (which I dun really like T.T), and said: "You should really find one liao..." (repeated few times)

I was, and still am, so so shocked. This would be my first time getting such "ultimatum" from my secondary school friend. Gosh. My first reaction is to type that "I leave everything to God", but on second thought, I just simply "hahaha"-ed her. I know I am not oh-so-young oledi, and that this friend (who oledi BF-ed for I think.. 3,4 years?) is onli expressing her concern.. but that line "You should really find one liao" together with the "= =" face kept on zooming in and out of my brain. Like a bee!

I have seen friends who are in desperate need of BFs and are therefore in and out of r/ships constantly, and those who already BF-ed and have occassional problems, and those who are truly madly deeply in love and can't take their eyes/hands off each other, and those who are single but are in pursue of someone but doesn't work out, and those who are single and free.. and bla bla bla. I am not one of them.

I just haven't had him yet.

*** Caution with more and more 碎碎念, because I am sick (literally) but not sleepy ***

Time flies. This is my eleventh week of practicum. Five more studying weeks to go, July 6th. Come faster.

Fallen in love with the song "History is made at night" by Megan Hilty & Will Chase, from SMASH. Such sexy voices, such naughty lyrics, such lovely rhythms. The drama series SMASH reminds me why I love Broadway so much. One day, just you wait, I will go to New York, and I will watch at least one Broadway musicals, and be dazzled by all the talented singers/dancers on stage.

Habits are formed because of certain reasons. The eagerness to see if someone is there is a certain kind of conditioning. However, as life goes on, the persons of whom the heart desires may not be the same, but the acts may continue on in cycle of repetitions. Human being, what a dreadful species.

I want IPAD, but I have no money.

I want to go travelling, but I have no money.

I want to watch AVENGERS, but the tickets are always sold out when I arrive.

Been cutting myself accidentally with knives many times lately. Pen-knives, fruit knives.. fingers on my left hand 你们还好吗..


Writing blogs is therapeutic. (治愈性). It relieves my stress. Just like doing laundry<-- A hobby I recently develop.
Why am I still writing? This post is very long long long already.

Those who insisted on reading my post until here, guess you are bored already. LOL.
There there. Good night then, my dear friends.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

开心 ^w^


我的2 Maju学生能够个个写出很好很好的东西了。连英文也不会说的学生,已经能够在短时间内写出让我非常满意的作文。






其实真的没有学生是笨的。我在我2 Maju学生们的身上见证了这句话。

转而说说2 Budi的学生们,也同样是一群可爱的学生。因为他们的英语相对地很好,所以我在上课时对他们特别严格,时不时就骂一两句,给的功课也特别的多,要求也特别高。


我批改Grammar簿子时,翻页,翻页,翻页,然后突然看到一位2 Budi的女学生在页面的角落写上“Hi, Miss Grace :)"

我笑了,写上"Hi back to you. :)"

我的第一群学生们——其实啊,我是真的真的很在乎他们的 ^3^。也许以后他们不会记得我了,可是我会记得他们的。希望来临的星期四英文考试他们会好好地考!加油!

Monday, 7 May 2012


JP是中国网络通用语,short for 极品。



学生犯纪律问题,常被揪去纪律室,kauseling室,一呆就是一整天。我亲爱的老弟以亲身经历跟我说:这种所谓的“处罚”(就是被带去谈话etc etc的)是问题学生最爱最爱最爱的处罚方法。我本身也认同。呆一整天,上课还需要上吗?

学校开始实行surat saman制度,类似markah demerit吧,可是这位JP老师,从来没和学生说过surat saman累积几张后会发生什么事,几张后会被gantung,几张后会被退学。完全没有。如果是我们以前的学校(沙捞越),都会很明确很仔细地跟学生说的吧,所以每个学生都心里有数不可以累积到几分之类的。可是这间学校没有哦。没有哦。没有哦。

此老师没真正实行pengawas制度,导致巡查员本身没有纪律,不知道自己做巡查员的目的为何,没有实权。 他们只是一群走来走去穿得和别人不一样的学生,除此之外,没有了。

我take over此老师的一个英文班,刚开始上课时问了问学生们的进度,惊讶地发现已经二月了,此班级却完全还没开始学英文。学生以高兴的语调说:老师都没进班的~ 超轻松的~

任随意一个老师随便就能拿microphone system来做annoucement, 一天至少有3次,吵到进行中的上课,而且announcement完全是班级老师可以代转达的。

上个星期五(五月4日),本人在sit in的班级里就着他们乱丢水壶的事情骂人,此JP老师走上来,一口咬定是学生很吵(其实是我在骂人),然后把学生赶去广场坐在湿漉漉的地上。


(Grace Wong in Angry Mode)